Without compelling performances from the two main leads, Brooke Burfitt in particular, the film wouldn’t have had the impact it did. Both characters are flawed and its very difficult to sympathise with either’s situation or actions but it makes captivating viewing.
By Any Means – Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival | MPH Movies
Brooke Burfitt does a solid job as Mimi, selling her bruised fragility and need to be wanted. The performance works well, eliciting a level of sympathy for the character as the story unfolds, while opposite her, Thomas Gipson’s Frank is equally solid, giving a little colour to a role that could have been played (and written) a touch more predictably.
Gareth Jamieson | @JamBooRee Films
This story is not too much, and has no exaggerations. The two main character are charming and viewer friendly. They are rather sparkling on screen.
It’s easy to see why she’s so overstressed and Brooke Burfitt is great during the scenes when Hailey’s frustrations finally explode. She keeps it restrained enough to where you empathize with Hailey’s bursts of anger rather than resent her for being needlessly mean.
…brilliant work by Brooke Burfitt as Samantha, the principal villainess. Through much of the movie I was reminded of one of the quirkier 1940’s noirs, The Strange Love of Martha Ivers, which featured Barbara Stanwyck in the sort of role Brooke Burfitt is portraying here — the fiercely ambitious partner of a handsome but weak-willed politician, who will literally stop at nothing, including murder, to protect and advance his career.
MARK GABRISH CONLAN, MOVIEMAGG 2020 http://moviemagg.blogspot.com/2020/05/maternal-secrets-marvista-entertainment.html
Brooke Burfitt, last seen as tragic abuse victim in Trailer Trash Wife is cast in a role which is its polar opposite, that of Claire Sutton, special policy adviser. Hard, cynical and ruthless to the point of criminality, her character as loyal mistress of spin, soundbites, lies and cover-up artistry is utterly convincing.
Burfitt faultlessly shows how Willadean is trapped through her desperation to please J.D., trying pathetically to be the “ideal” housewife he says he wants, and through her need to be in denial of his abuse